Welcome BOS members and all interested in birding Western New York and Niagara Peninsula of Ontario!

featured bird photo
Northern Shrike © Sue Barth

Scoping February

Depending on the winter's grip, Lake Erie has either frozen over or still has lots of open water. When the lake freezes over, hordes of waterfowl settle onto the Niagara River and the rafts of ducks can be spectacular. This is one of the reasons that the Niagara River corridor has been designated an IBA (Important Bird Area).

Some of the better viewing locations include Broderick Park at the foot of West Ferry street, the north end of Unity Island, Black Rock Canal Park and the many access points around the perimeter of Grand Island. Tundra Swans tend to cluster around Beaver Island State Park at the south end of Grand Island as well as off the north end at Buckhorn Island State Park. Canvasback rafts numbering in the thousands can also be found off Grand Island.

If temperatures are cold enough to limit one's desire to walk outdoors, driving the rural roads of Niagara and Orleans Counties can provide great birding opportunities while staying warm in your car. Annual visitors such as Northern Shrike, Lapland Longspur, Snow Bunting and Snowy Owl frequent the weedy fields along the Lake Ontario Plain. When driving these roads, look for Northern Harriers and Rough-legged Hawks. Where you find these species, you may also see Short-eared Owls using the same field in late afternoon.

The plentiful fruit orchards of Niagara County as well as the cluster of crabapple trees at the entrance to Fort Niagara State Park are worthy of a look-over for possible Bohemian Waxwings and Pine Grosbeaks. Of course these species are not annual, but it's always a pleasant possibility. Another favorite stop this time of year is along the lower Niagara River at Lewiston to watch the Long-tailed Ducks engaging in courtship display. Listening to their endearing vocalizations are an annual 'must'!

At the end of the month, the first warm fronts kick into gear waterfowl migration as well as the first hawk flights of the season. Resident birds start singing as well and nothing sounds sweeter than the first Cardinal song of the year! The shuffling of the deck begins.

The Buffalo Ornithological Society, Inc. (BOS) was established in 1929 to promote the study of the birds of the Niagara Frontier Region. Annual grants are awarded by the BOS to fund member-sponsored avian research projects. We are proud of our extensive scientific research databases, our continuing involvement in environmental and conservation activities that impact birds, and our promotion of the enjoyment of ornithology.

The BOS coverage area includes Western New York and parts of nearby Ontario, Canada. This region is rich in bird life with over 380 species and 25 recognizable subspecies of birds recorded. Explore our site to learn more about where to report and find birds, both regional specialties and rare visitors.

The Buffalo Ornithological Society has something to offer to anyone passionate about birds: from the backyard feeder- watcher, the avid lister or the environmental activist, to the dedicated citizen scientist or the professional ornithologist. Society activities include regular programs, field trips, intensive long-term bird counts, checklist and date guide development, varied research activities, and involvement in local conservation efforts. We invite you to join in the activities of the society!

 JOIN the BOS  

  Reflections on "What the BOS Means to . . . "

. . . Kevin Rybczynski

To me, the Buffalo Ornithological Society is the foremost way to connect Buffalo-Niagara’s past, present, and future in terms of birds. The BOS has been around for over ninety years and through bird counts, activism, and love of the birds themselves, you can see its positive impact on the birding community and the next generation of Buffalo birders.

  Upcoming Field Trips and Events

For a full list of our upcoming field trips, meetings, and events, visit our calendar page. You don't have to be a member to join our field trips or meetings! (Note that meetings run from September through June.)

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Feb 12, 2025   (Wednesday)

Meeting - 2024's Rarity Roundup!

Details: (click for more info)

Buffalo Museum of Science

Meet at 7 pm in the Cummings Room.

Join Alec Humann as he presents a program highlighting the rare and unusual birds that were found throughout the BOS study area in 2024. Come and relive these high points of the past birding year with your friends!

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Mar 12, 2025   (Wednesday)

Dr. Silu Wang will be presenting "On the Origin of Rainforest Birds"

Details: (click for more info)

Buffalo Museum of Science

Meet at 7 pm in the Cummings Room. Dr. Silu Wang, Assistant Professor, State University at Buffalo

The temperate and tropical rainforests harbor most of the terrestrial biodiversity globally, yet the origin of rainforest bird species remains elusive. Our work in the Forest Speciation Lab involves bushwhacking in the sword ferns and dancing with mist nets among the palm trees to disentangle the genomic and behavioral basis of species boundaries in temperate and tropical rainforests around of world. Please join me on this "evergreen" time travel. https://www.forestspeciation.online/

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Mar 15, 2025   (Saturday)

Field Trip - Dunkirk Harbor and Fredonia area with Devin Banning and Katelyn Davis

Details: (click for more info)

Dunkirk City Pier, 8 Central Avenue, Dunkirk, NY 14048

Meet at 9:00am on the Dunkirk Pier (parking available on the pier and by the shops right before the pier).

Leader: Devin Banning (716) 260-8889 [email protected]
Katelyn Davis (716) 216-3881

Our trip will begin at Dunkirk Harbor scoping for various waterbirds. With that in mind, please bring your spotting scope if you have one as it will greatly enrich your experience! Raptors, including Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon, are often in attendance with the plentiful food supply. We will also have a chance at migrant raptors, weather-permitting. Eared Grebe and Little Gull have been seen here in the past, and occasionally the harbor hosts Iceland and Glaucous Gulls! We should be able to see many species of waterfowl including Scaup (Greater and Lesser), Ruddy Duck, Redhead, Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck, and Northern Pintail.
After birding the harbor, we will explore a few other nearby hotspots offering different habitats; Berry Road Marsh, Van Buren Road Pond and the Dunkirk Airport.

Trip report from March 2024

Photo of courting Common Mergansers by Steph Foraker on March 16, 2024.

See Our Full List of Events