BOS Photo Albums
Photo albums submitted by BOS members are below. These albums feature BOS field trips, events, and special bird sightings that our members have seen. We hope you enjoy them! (BOS Members: you'll need to LOGIN, then find the link on your member homepage to add your photos.)
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MONTHLY photos contributed by our members for March - 2018.
Pine Siskin. Snow storm brought a large number of Pine Siskin to the feeders.
Contributed by: David Crowe
Peter Yoerg found a male Eurasian Wigeon on the 3rd at North Feeder Marsh on the Tonawanda WMA. Kyle Brock photographed the bird on the 6th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Sue Barth found 4 Greater White-fronted Geese at Winter's Pond in Langford on the 4th. Two birds continued into the 5th when this photo was taken.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Two of the four Greater White-fronted Geese found by Barth on the 4th in Langford. Photo taken on the 5th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Two of the four Greater White-fronted Geese found in Langford on the 4th. It seems they were only a two-day wonder.
Contributed by: Sue Barth
Joshua Ross Ketry found 15 Eastern Meadowlarks in Lawtons, NY on the 7th. These are the first reported of the spring!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Northern Shrike along Meadville Rd. in Tonawanda WMA
Contributed by: Joel Strong
Tundra Swans coming in for landing in a flooded cornfield in Niagara County.
Contributed by: Joel Strong
Tundra Swan in flight in Niagara County.
Contributed by: Joel Strong
While conducting the hawkwatch in Hamburg NY on the 17th, Mike and Wendy Zebehazy photographed this brilliant and stunning adult female dark morph Rough-legged Hawk.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Another image of the adult female dark morph Rough-legged Hawk photographed by the Zebehazys at the Hamburg Hawkwatch on the 17th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Gale VerHague photographed this partially leucistic Double-crested Cormorant at the pond behind the Fredonia, NY Walmart on the 21st.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Willie D'Anna photographed this Bohemian Waxwing in his Wilson yard on the 22nd. This bird was mixed in a flock of 100 Cedar Waxwings.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Aaron Barber photographed this beautiful adult male Merlin in his Buffalo backyard on the 24th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Blue Jack, also known as an adult male Merlin, in Aaron Barber's Buffalo backyard on the 24th.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
A gorgeous Red-shouldered Hawk gave great, low views at the Hamburg Hawk Watch on the 24th!
Contributed by: Sue Barth
Chris Bertola saw this Sandhill Crane flying low over Birdsong Parklands in Orchard Park on the 30th. Sue Barth joined him and relocated the bird, getting this photo.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Sue Barth photographed this Sandhill Crane at Birdsong Parklands in Orchard Park on the 30th. Chris Bertola initially had the bird flying low over the park.
Contributed by: Alec Humann
On the 30th, Gale VerHague photographed this Greater Yellowlegs at Sheridan Cemetery in Chautaqua County. A nice record for this unusually cold spring season!
Contributed by: Alec Humann
Here's a photo of the Brant that showed up on the 31st in southern Erie County in the town of Langford. What a crazy find this time of year along Lake Erie!
Contributed by: Sue Barth
I was surprised to find this Greater Yellowlegs in Brant on the 30th. It didn't stay long - hopefully, it flew somewhere warmer!
Contributed by: Sue Barth
Pine Siskin. Snow storm brought many Pine Siskin to the feeders.
Contributed by: David Crowe
A couple of Purple Finches made their way to our feeders in Orchard Park on the 2nd. It was a blustery winter day and I wonder if the snow brought them. Adult male Purple Finch.
Contributed by: Sue Barth
A couple of Purple Finches made their way to our feeders in Orchard Park on this wintery, blustery day! First winter male Purple Finch.
Contributed by: Sue Barth
An adult Red-shouldered Hawk perched on a power line. I don't usually see them perched in the open like this! Taken in southern Erie County on the 3rd.
Contributed by: Sue Barth