Register for BOS Membership


You can sign-up for membership to the BOS online by using the form below. The top portion of the form asks you to create a username and password to establish an online member account that allows access to the member-only area of this website. Be sure to record your username and password so you can login to the site after your account has been created.

Alternately, you can apply for membership by printing and filling-out our new membership form and sending that to the BOS along with a check for membership dues (see below).

  Birding Ethics:

We urge those who wish to join the BOS to read through the ABA Code of Birding Ethics prior to joining. We would like our members to be good representatives of our organization by respecting and promoting the welfare of birds and their environment and by respecting the law and the rights of others while birding.

Register for BOS Membership by Mail

Open and print the pdf membership application by clicking the link below. Fill out the paper form and mail it along with your check for $20.00 (or $60.00 if you choose to have The Prothonotary mailed to you).

BOS Membership
c/o Karen Lee Lewis
8177 Roseville Lane
East Amherst, NY 14051

Please make your check payable in US dollars to the Buffalo Ornithological Society.

 BOS Membership Application  

NOTE: Your privacy is important to us and the BOS will NOT share your information with any third-party, group, or agency.

Register for BOS Membership Online

  Username and Password:

Be sure to record your username and password for future access to the member-only part of this website.

(min 6 chars / required)

  Contact Information:

(optional; use 555-555-5555 format)
(optional, use 555-555-5555 format)

  Membership Dues:

Dues are $20.00   (to cover printing costs, $40 are added if you select to have a paper copy of The Prothonotary mailed to you.)

Select how you would like to receive your copy of The Prothonotary:


Please read the ABA Code of Birding Ethics before submitting your registration. Then check the box below to indicate you've read them.